Category Archives: Location Shoots

Your Production Team Checklist

Some of the most important work you can do for your client — even before you pick up the camera — is to just listen. We seek to understand our clients needs and purpose of the project so we can best deliver on their marketing goals.

Listen as our clients describe the ways in which Gamut One Studios has become their trusted production team.

Experience, professionalism, and flexibility — which is most important to you? Leave us a comment or send us a message and let us know. We are always looking for more clients to serve.

Tamara Gruhot, Marketing Manager, Element Materials Technology
Dan Walker, Creative Director, Hearth & Home Technologies
Val Brennan, Director of Marketing, WSB
Evan Carlson, V.P. of Marketing, Bongards Premium Cheese
• Andrew Broshat, V.P. of Sales & Marketing, Wrap-It Storage
Robert Lodge, Director of Digital Marketing & Media Relations, Enterprise Minnesota
Tim Morrow, Associate Director / Dir. of Programming, Minnesota CLE

2018 Motions Reels

As the year wraps up and we start looking forward to a busy 2019, we thought it would be nice to share a few motion reels highlighting some of the fun, challenging and unique video projects that we worked on in 2018.  Video has become an essential tool for companies all of sizes to communicate to customers, employees and the public in general.  Drop us a line to find out how we can make your commercial video or photography project come to life with amazing results.  Check out more of our work on our YouTube channel.

Handcrafted video for a handcrafted company

If you are one of the lucky ones, you are blessed with fond memories of swapping stories and tall tales around a crackling campfire after a camping, fishing or hiking adventure ‘Up North’. How then, in our busy lives surrounded by technology and the constant state of connectivity, can we find more of those simple and carefree times?

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Frost River, a Duluth MN based maker of hand crafted leather and canvas soft goods, gets to share these types of memories and tales every day with long time customers in their workshop and storefront on West Superior Street.  In order to bring the story of their company and its heritage products to others, long time partners Frost River and Gamut One Studios collaborated to produce a video that recounts the history of their company and its enduring, generation-proof soft goods.

Videographers, Dewey Koshenina and Jeff Schmieg couldn’t have been more perfect for the job.  From multiple wilderness locales, filming the true beauty of the land and the leather and canvas products in action to Frost River’s workshop, where Dewey and Jeff captured the Frost River artisans carefully crafting each piece into what would soon become a family’s cherished heirloom.

We invite you to relax with a fresh cup of coffee or a frosty mug of beer and experience the tale of Frost River as told through the eyes of Gamut One Studios. You will quickly see how something new can become a tradition-rich favorite, full of experience from generations past and present.

G1 Studios and Frost River from Gamut One on Vimeo.

Be sure to check out our friends at Frost River for yourself the next time you are in Duluth, MN.

Red Hot Trucking!!

Smokin’ hot!  And, our red-headed model is equally sizzling!  We know, not everyone oohs and ahhs over a Cummins ISX15 550 HP Diesel Eaton Fuller RTLO1891B 18 speed so to create a little flair, Gamut One’s Dewey Koshenina and the team at Zip’s Truck Equipment, glammed it up with some eye-candy images to enhance Zip’s new website re-design.

It’s always fun photographing dazzling models in a sea of dramatic smoke, but getting your boots dirty out in the field shooting the Zip’s fleet in action is even more exciting!  Zip’s was looking for more stylized images, so Dewey and the team opted to photograph the trucks in a variety of outdoor light on location at an airfield near the Zip’s facility.

Using separately photographed background locations, the trucks and backgrounds were composited to create drama and action.

With a little additional lighting and a lot of patience, Zip’s headquarters becomes the iconic facility that New Hampton, IA residents and Zip’s customers are very familiar with.

Steel and glass can be tricky to photograph indoors or out. However, when properly executed, lighting can heighten the quality of a shot to evoke a high end feel. Mission accomplished!!

Finally, our model and one of Zip’s spectacular trucks walk the carpet to visually create the sentiment that customer service and quality are what set Zip’s apart and ahead…an esteemed mode that Gamut One fully employs as well!!

Corporate Portraits: Your Best Image

Crooked tie, shiny forehead, high school yearbook pose … we’ve all seen some unflattering corporate headshots that do no favors to the subject or company. But, since very few people actually like getting their picture taken, and even fewer are naturally photogenic, how does one get a great headshot?

At Gamut One Studios we know that a great portrait is a powerful tool in building a strong image for you and your company.

Gamut One Studios always goes the extra mile to create extraordinary client headshots in a convenient, budget-friendly manner.

And to deliver those easy-going, yet professional shots, trust the unparalleled experience of our four photographers.

We can offer every possible type and style of corporate portraits or headshots. We’ll share our secrets with you on how to combine the subject’s profession, corporate brand image, and usage requirements to get the picture that speaks more than a thousand words about you or your brand.

Convenient Scheduling

Recognizing convenience as an important piece of the puzzle, Gamut One will help you design a schedule depending on how many employees are going to be photographed and their availability. With four full time photographers, we do our best to accommodate your first choice for time and scheduling date.

In Studio

Some clients like the look and structure of photographing on a set in our studio while others will want a specific background such as their corporate facility as the location. Either way, Gamut One Studios will scout all location options and work with you on a suitable plan.

Your Location

Some clients will want to schedule a drop in photo shoot where employees come to the Gamut One studio to have their portrait taken. For other clients, we may go to their offices and schedule employee time slots during the workday.

Do you ever wonder why some people just seem to take better pictures than others? That’s also part of our plan – the Gamut One photographers are experts in putting their subjects at ease to get the most impressive and natural photo possible.

Group time slots

Some companies have to schedule just one-person-at-a-time photos due to time constraints or a preference to photograph new hires immediately. In these situations, we will use a pre-approved set up and employees will stop by our studio, or we meet them on location.

Cost Concerns: In all types of photo shoots, we are conscious of your budget and end goals. The greatest cost savings comes from scheduling multiple people for the same day.

Once we’ve chosen a time and location, Gamut One Studios will also help you consider the ‘little things’ that make a portrait stand out. Your subject’s profession, corporate brand image, and usage requirements (such as annual report, website, etc.) are all taken into consideration and we will design and facilitate the best look for you.


Of course. Photoshop has become a verb. Retouching always makes it better. Whether it’s tired eyes, shiny forehead, or not the right shade of lipstick, we will take care of it. Left your suit coat at home, but need it for the photo? We have even “shopped” that in for a customer.

Our shooters, Bill, Dewey, Greg, and Jeff are also all Photoshop wizards and take great pride in every image to deliver you the best.

When you need a professional portrait to compliment your company or brand, Gamut One offers a clear advantage in portrait photography. Whether updating your website, creating a new sales brochure or just have a new company hire, we will work with you to deliver the best images for your company’s success.

Problem Solving Photography

With an aggressive, long term marketing plan in place,  Medivators’ Creative Director, Sonia Leonard, wanted to capture a variety of images on location including people and environment as well as complex product photography at their Houston, Texas R&D lab for use in an array of marketing applications.  Recognizing that Medivators’ image needs were widely varied in theme, style and final use, Gamut One knew that all images would still need a consistent, finished result from an experienced, versatile photographer.

In order to streamline the process for our busy client (recent merger, new product line), Gamut One photographer, Bill Bartlett, who has over 25 years of expertise photographing medical products and more, helped Medivators set an efficient photo shoot agenda for a rigorous five day shoot.

Bill designed a plan with the Medivators’ marketing team that would create a substantial library of proprietary images in a broad range of themes and styles that could later be used individually or combined in detailed composites to control position and focus as well as allowing flexibility in the future to re-configure the elements for a unique finished image.  This is an effective way to visually create and express a marketing message such as showcasing Medivators’ high level of personal service and detailed product in a single composite.

For example, in the below image, the model, background and product were all shot at different times with their own precise staging structure to ensure the perspective, lighting and composition for both images flowed with one another.

Gamut One Studios and their clients often find exceptional value in this approach for building a client’s internal library that can be used in a variety of applications for long-term use.  The opposite approach, where companies purchase stock images will often result in inefficient spending, lack of personalized images also commonly used by competitors and poor usage options for long-term, multiple uses.  Gamut One Studios’ photographers will always work with our clients to meet all their needs in a carefully planned and efficiently executed photo shoot.

Additional to thorough planning, pre-production meetings and shoot day execution, the final piece of the Medivators’ photo shoot involved Bill’s evaluation and adjustments of images to create an essential compilation of finished, professional images.  Medivators now has a collection of high quality, original images that will be useful long term in diverse applications.

Do you have a photography dilemma or are you wondering if a photo shoot could be in your budget?  It will be worth your time to contact us at Gamut One Studios and we can walk you through the various options for achieving the best value and the highest quality, custom images that your business needs.

Capturing the Screams

Put yourself in Bill’s shoes. Recently he set out to photograph the atmosphere of Nickelodeon Universe, a world-class amusement park. The best way to comprehend the challenge Bill faced is to visit the park at Mall of America. As proven in Nickelodeon’s 2012 marketing campaign, “We Want Your Scream,” the place is an overwhelming, kid’s nirvana. Bill’s recent assignment was to capture it all.

As you may know, the campaign went on to become an award-winning success. Just how did Gamut One contribute to this brand-building blockbuster? Well, Bill’s photography figures prominently in the campaign. Here’s how he operates…

First of all, Bill plans everything possible. Clients often ask: What contributes to a successful photographic shoot? The answer: Technical execution is critical, but the key to great photography and successful integration with the overall marketing campaign comes down to planning.

At Mall of America there were time constraints due to scheduling. Additionally, Mall of America’s enormous skylights change the lighting minute-by-minute. Navigating the model group through the rides required upfront planning and careful on-site management. Timing was a constant consideration. Allowing a motion sick kid to take one more “drop” on the Rock Bottom Drop (it’s exactly what it sounds like!) wouldn’t get Bill the shot he needed. Because the opportunity to capture genuine emotion is fleeting, successful shots don’t just happen, they are planned.

Understanding the key client objective is critical. During pre-shoot discussions with the client about the goals for “We Want Your Scream,” the mandate became pretty clear: capture the scream. To do so, Bill pushed the limit. Since he was dealing with high speeds and excitement, he had to board the rides. Riding backwards on a roller coaster eight times to get the perfect shot? Been there. Done that.

When Bill walked through the amusement park for a pre-shoot visit he was immediately struck by the magnitude of technical aspects the job would face. Each ride presented different obstacles and opportunities due to the layout and pure emotions of the ride models. Through utilization of stop action photography techniques, Bill was able to freeze flowing hair and capture peak emotions. Tactics such as slow shutter speed and effective panning illustrated the speed and raw power of the ride experience.

When Bill starts having fun it’s contagious. By participating with the group he gained insight into their experience and captured the unique essence of each ride. At Gamut One, having fun is more than a method of meeting client goals, it’s a competitive advantage.

And that’s the story of how Bill took more speed than a photographer can handle (to this day he can’t look at the Splat – O – Sphere, without getting “that sinking feeling”). To keep up with our adventures in photography subscribe to our RSS feed.

Hangin’ with the Prez

Gamut One Studios had a brush with fame last Friday when photographers Jeff Schmieg and Dewey Koshenina had the unique opportunity to photograph President Barack Obama.  President Obama spent the mid-day touring and speaking at Honeywell while our swift and skillful photographers captured it all on camera.

The President has an extremely tight schedule, so when you are photographing him, you’ve got to be quick and on your game.   Gamut One Studios, a contracted Honeywell vendor, was brought in to photograph the President’s visit and provided Honeywell with over 400 press ready images within hours of the event.  Images were uploaded to a private web gallery where the Honeywell staff could quickly access and distribute images as needed for public relations, documentation and promotion.

Seeing how the whole White House machine operates behind the scenes was very interesting.  It was a complex process but most notably, a very well oiled machine that is highly choreographed for maximum efficiency and security.

As you can probably imagine, the day was full of protocol, politics and stoic secret service agents. That doesn’t phase Jeff, our ‘nerves of steel’ photographer who has smoothly photographed tactical response teams while expert marksmen pointed automatic weapons at him.  Provided with White House Press Pool credentials, Jeff followed the President as he toured parts of the manufacturing floor and met Honeywell employees.  Jeff was then allowed inside the rope-line to photograph the president up close during the speech.

Rubbing Elbows with the Associated Press and White House Staff photographers who cover the president every day brought new insight into the workings of this political operation.  Dewey photographed the event from the main press stage for another view point of the action.

Capturing the spark and excitement that people had when meeting President Obama made our job even better.  The kids (and many adults) in attendance were beyond excited… beaming with perma-grins as they showed off their autographs and photos while they soaked in the whole experience.

We got some cool press pool badges that make great souvenirs from the event.  I think Jeff and Dewey will wear them all week…you just never know when you may want to impress someone!

Robots, smoke grenades and paint bullets

It’s easy to stay passionate about a job when you work in vastly different environments each day.

Often, we’re in the studio lighting and shooting products, many times we’re on location in offices, factories and at events. And, sometimes we have tactical response teams pointing loaded weapons at us.

That was Jeff’s shoot out in Alameda County, California for Recon Robotics. He has been photographing their products in studio and location for the past five years. Jeff’s extensive knowledge of the product and close working relationship with Recon has now provided more unique location photography opportunities.

A recent assignment took Jeff to Urban Shield, a SWAT and Tactical Response Team training and evaluation event with teams from California, Israel and Jordan competing.

SWAT Team Photography

The event ran for 48 straight hours with 27 different scenarios.  Recon Robotics sponsored one scenario in which the teams could utilize the Scout XT Robot to be more effective.  Recon wanted photos of the teams using their robot in training situations and to build their corporate image library.

Jeff liked the fast-action shoot and seeing the teams from Israel and Jordan. He says, “Having expert marksmen pointing loaded automatic weapons at you will always make you think twice, even if it’s just paint.”

Gamut One Studios - On LocationAnd, sometimes the perks are nice too. Jeff got to ride in this $170K Tactical Response Vehicle, aptly called the BAT.

In the last few weeks, he’s traveled in and out of state to photograph several different uses of Recon’s products. He worked with the Minneapolis Bomb Squad photographing the robots being used to help identify and scout police scenarios with possible explosives.

The latest shoot took Jeff to Fort Ripley near Brainerd, Minn. with a National Guard Squad.  The military uses the Scout XT to help units with reconnaissance missions where they can remotely deploy the robot into buildings, around barriers and in the identification of suspected improvised explosive devices (IEDs).

The project was very successful.  We look forward to providing Recon Robotics with more great images while they build awareness of their great products.