Category Archives: Video Projects

The Whole Gamut – Promo Video

Video production Minneapolis

We create videos that showcase our clients’ products and services. Well, this time we turned the cameras around on us! Our team had a lot of fun creating this new promotional video highlighting our studio capabilities. 

Welcome to “The Whole Gamut.”

We used drones, motorized sliders, and we even we built a rotating platform big enough to host a small dance party — just an example of how our team always puts in the maximum effort to produce results!

2018 Motions Reels

As the year wraps up and we start looking forward to a busy 2019, we thought it would be nice to share a few motion reels highlighting some of the fun, challenging and unique video projects that we worked on in 2018.  Video has become an essential tool for companies all of sizes to communicate to customers, employees and the public in general.  Drop us a line to find out how we can make your commercial video or photography project come to life with amazing results.  Check out more of our work on our YouTube channel.

Meet Bryce – G1 Studios’ Newest Team Member


Gamut One Studios is proud to introduce Bryce Kalal, our newest team member.  With our continued growth in video production, Bryce has taken on the role of video production assistant.  Bryce brings a unique set of experience to our team with creative writing, improv comedy and music production. We’ve already seen great work from him and appreciate all the positive feedback we’ve received from our clients since he started with us.

Gamut One Studios – Meet Bryce from Gamut One on Vimeo.

Handcrafted video for a handcrafted company

If you are one of the lucky ones, you are blessed with fond memories of swapping stories and tall tales around a crackling campfire after a camping, fishing or hiking adventure ‘Up North’. How then, in our busy lives surrounded by technology and the constant state of connectivity, can we find more of those simple and carefree times?

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Frost River, a Duluth MN based maker of hand crafted leather and canvas soft goods, gets to share these types of memories and tales every day with long time customers in their workshop and storefront on West Superior Street.  In order to bring the story of their company and its heritage products to others, long time partners Frost River and Gamut One Studios collaborated to produce a video that recounts the history of their company and its enduring, generation-proof soft goods.

Videographers, Dewey Koshenina and Jeff Schmieg couldn’t have been more perfect for the job.  From multiple wilderness locales, filming the true beauty of the land and the leather and canvas products in action to Frost River’s workshop, where Dewey and Jeff captured the Frost River artisans carefully crafting each piece into what would soon become a family’s cherished heirloom.

We invite you to relax with a fresh cup of coffee or a frosty mug of beer and experience the tale of Frost River as told through the eyes of Gamut One Studios. You will quickly see how something new can become a tradition-rich favorite, full of experience from generations past and present.

G1 Studios and Frost River from Gamut One on Vimeo.

Be sure to check out our friends at Frost River for yourself the next time you are in Duluth, MN.